DL-GNA Apprentice Judge Program

Thank you for your interest in becoming a JGHV Judge! Verbandsrichterin (JGHV Judges) are experienced hunters and dog handlers who can evaluate Deutsch Langhaars and all other JGHV breeds in performance tests (VJP, HZP, and VGP). Before becoming a judge, you must complete a judging apprenticeship. 

Apprentice Judge Application Process

In order to apply to become an Apprentice Judge, you must meet the following 4 items:

  • You must have been a licensed hunter for at least the last 3 years

  • Must have been a member of DL-GNA for at least 3 years

  • You must have successfully handled a dog that you trained through a VJP, HZP and VGP within the last 4 years

  • Must have attended the “Introduction to the JGHV” seminar within the last 3 years

The following items should be mailed (via regular mail) to the DL-GNA Director of Judge Development with your application packet:

  • Two (2) copies of signed and completed Formblatt 51

  • Two (2) copies of completed Formblatt 62

  • Two (2) copies of VJP Score sheet that you listed on Formblatt 51

  • Two (2) copies of HZP Score sheet that you listed on Formblatt 51

  • Two (2) copies of VGP Score sheet that you listed on Formblatt 51

  • Two (2) copies of your Eintragungs – Bescheinigung Card (VGP – Stud book card)

  • Two (2) copies of your current Hunting License, if possible copies of the last 3 years

  • Two (2) copies of the Ahnentafel of the dog you trained, tested, and listed on the Formblatt 51 for VJP, HZP & VGP

Apprentice Judging Requirements

Once accepted into the apprentice program, you have 4 years to complete the following items:

  • Attend at least 2 JGHV Continuing Education Seminars

  • Apprentice 2 VJPs

  • Apprentice 2 HZPs

  • Apprentice 2 VGPs

While apprenticing the performance tests, you must evaluate a minimum of 6 dogs completing the test at each level of testing. So for example, you may have to apprentice additional VGPs in order to fulfill your requirement of seeing 6 dogs pass or complete that test.

After each test, you will be required to write a report detailing how each dog earned each score in the test. You will submit this report, along with Formblatt 54, to your Senior Judge within 2 weeks of each test. 

You must apprentice under at least 6 different Senior Judges during your apprenticeship. And at least one test at each level must be "out of chapter". This means that you can apprentice 1 DL-GNA VJP, but then you must apprentice your other VJP sponsored by another JGHV organization (VDD-GNA, JGV-USA, NA-JGV, etc.).

And finally, to complete your apprenticeship, you must pass a written exam that evaluates your understanding of the JGHV Testing System.

Please read through the entire JGHV Regulations on Association Judgeship for additional information on apprentice judging.